
After the conference ended for the day, I decided to cruise around a little in my car to enjoy the famous scenery. Since I am a camera nerd, I decided to take pictures at the same time. Here is the Capital. I think I was on Independence Avenue or Constitution Ave, I can't remember which (behind the Archives).

I snuck into a parking lot i wasn't supposed to stop in and quickly jumped out and took a self-portrait.

I drove down towards the other end of the mall to check out the nice sunset which was brewing. Since it was about 8pm on a Sunday evening, I was able to find a parking spot so I could get a good shot of the Washington Monument.

Since people have been asking for more pictures with me actually in them, I took another self-portrait. Its hard to get me and the scenery in the same shot while keeping the camera straight.


As I was stopped at a stop light, the President's helicopter flew by! The White house is right nearby. It probably dropped him off and was flying back to the base. (When the president is riding in it, they usually fly two or three identical helicopters together, so since this one is by itself, it probably just left the white house). You can see the Jefferson Memorial just sticking out behind the car.

Next I tried to stop at the new WWII memorial to get a picture of the Lincoln Memorial. Unfortunately the traffic patterns and where you can and can't stop are really a pain, so I ended up making a lot of loops around... including this detour down the Memorial Bridge to Arlington and then back across the river into DC.

I also overshot and got this pic of the Jefferson Memorial while driving the wrong way.

Finally! I double parked and got a few nice shots of the Lincoln Memorial and the new WWII memorial in front of it. Since the WWII memorial is brand new (just opened this spring), I haven't had a chance to visit yet.

A zoom in of the Lincoln Memorial, probably my favorite in Washington.
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